Function | Category | Description |
AddPoint | Frame | Add a point to the current contour in the frame |
Back | Browsers | Goes back one page in the browser history |
Backward | MultiFrames | Go back one frame |
bool | Global | Convert a value to a Boolean |
CallFn | External DLL | Call a function within a DLL |
CaptureMouse | Graphics | Capture the mouse input |
ChangeDisplayMode | Global | Change the user's screen resolution |
charAt | String | Get the character at the specified position in the string |
charCodeAt | String | Get the character code at the specified position in the string |
CharFromPoint | Text | Get the character at a given position |
ClearBookmark | Pages | Clear a Bookmark for the current page |
ClearDraw | Frame | Remove all script drawing elements from the frame |
CloneObject | Graphics | Clone an object |
Close | File | Close an opened file |
Close | Views | Close the view |
contains | Global | Test if one string contains another string |
Continue | Clock | Continue a paused clock Object |
Continue | Slideshow | Continue a Slideshow |
CopyFile | Global | Copy a file to a new location of the user's machine |
CopyToClipboard | Graphics | Copy an object to the Windows clipboard |
CopyToClipboard | Pages | Copy the page to the Windows clipboard |
CreateCDPlayer | Global | Create a new CD player Object |
CreateCDPlayer | Sound | Create a CD player Object |
CreateClock | Clock | Creates a new clock Object |
CreateHypertext | Text | Create a hypertext link and action for a selection |
Debug.trace | Global | Debugging tool that uses the Script Console |
Debug.tracePane | Global | Debugging tool that creates a new pane in the Script Console |
DeleteFile | Global | Delete a file from the user's machine |
DeleteRegistryValue | Global | Delete a value from the system registry |
DestroyClonedObject | Graphics | Destroy a cloned object |
DrawEllipse | Frame | Draw an ellipse in the frame |
DrawLine | Frame | Draw a line between two points in the frame |
DrawRectangle | Frame | Draw a rectangle in the frame |
DrawRegPoly | Frame | Draw a regular polygon (eg triangle or octagon) in the frame |
DrawRoundRectangle | Frame | Draw a round cornered rectangle in the frame |
DrawStar | Frame | Draw a star in the frame |
Enable | Graphics | Enable or disable this object |
EndOfFile | File | Check for the end of file marker in the specified file |
ExitPublication | Global | Exit the publication, via an Exit page (if any) |
Fade | Graphics | Fade an object by an amount |
FileExists | Global | Test if a file exists in a given location |
FindChild | Basic Objects | Finds the child of this object with a particular name |
FindDescendent | Basic Objects | Finds the descendent of this object with a particular name |
FindText | Text | Find a string of text in a Text object |
FindTextInSelection | Text | Find a string of text in a selection |
FollowPath | Graphics | Make an object follow an animation path |
fork | Global | Allows lines of code to be executed simultaneously |
format | Global | Format a number as a string |
Forward | Browsers | Goes forward one page in the browser history |
Forward | MultiFrames | Go forward one frame |
GetAppearance | Graphics | Get appearance information for Object State of specified object |
GetBookmarkPage | Pages | Get Bookmark page by its index number |
GetChild | Basic Objects | Gets a child of this object by index |
GetClock | Clock | Returns a specified clock Object |
GetDisplayData | Graphics | Get display information related to an object e.g. scale and skew |
GetFirstBookmark | Pages | Get the first Bookmark page |
GetFirstChild | Basic Objects | Gets the first child of this object |
GetFirstHypertext | Text | Get the first hypertext link in a specified text object |
GetFirstKeyword | Search | Gets first keyword in search list |
GetFirstPage | Search | Gets first page to search on |
GetFirstView | Views | Get the first view open |
GetHeight | Graphics | Get the height of the object |
GetHours | Clock | Returns number of hours for a clock Object |
GetINIFileData | Global | Return the value of a specified key in a section of an INI file |
GetINISectionData | Global | Return the contents of a section of an INI file |
GetJoystickState | Global | Get the current joystick state |
GetLastPage | Global | Get the last page in the publication |
GetLastPage | Publications | Get the name of the last page in the publication |
GetLayer | Graphics | Get the layer that the object is on |
GetLength | Video | Get the length of the video in seconds |
GetLineCount | Text | Get the number of lines |
GetLocale | Global | Get current user locale (language and country information) |
GetMinutes | Clock | Returns number of minutes for a clock Object |
GetMousePosition | Pages | Get the x and y coordinates of the current mouse position |
GetName | Basic Objects | Gets the name of the object |
GetNextBookmark | Pages | Get the next Bookmark page |
GetNextChild | Basic Objects | Gets the child of this object that follows another |
GetNextHypertext | Text | Get the next hypertext link in a specified text object |
GetNextKeyword | Search | Gets next keyword in search list |
GetNextPage | Pages | Get the next page in the publication |
GetNextPage | Search | Gets next page to search on |
GetNextView | Views | Get the next view |
GetNumberChildren | Basic Objects | Gets the number of children of this object |
GetNumberHypertext | Text | Get the total number of links in a specified text object |
GetNumberViews | Views | Get the number of views open |
GetObjectDimensions | Graphics | Get the position and size of an object |
GetPage | Global | Get a page by name |
GetPage | Publications | Get a page by name |
GetPage | Views | Get the page currently displayed in the view |
GetPageDownloadPercent | Global | Get the percentage complete of the page downloaded |
GetPageDownloadPosition | Global | Get the position of the page downloaded |
GetPageDownloadTotal | Global | Get the total size of the page downloaded |
GetPageNumber | Pages | Return page number of current page open in the publication |
GetParagraphCount | Text | Get the number of paragraphs in a Text object |
GetParent | Basic Objects | Gets the parent of this object |
GetPersistentObject | Graphics | Get object for storing information that will persist when page not visible |
GetPosition | Graphics | Get the x and y coordinate of the objects position |
GetPosition | Graphics | Get the x and y coordinate of an animation path's length |
GetPosition | Sound | Get the current position in seconds for a sound file |
GetPosition | Video | Get the current position of a video in seconds |
GetPositionFromPercent | Graphics | Get the x and y coordinate of an animation path as percent along the path |
GetPreviousPage | Pages | Get the previous page in the publication |
GetPublication | Pages | Get the name of the current publication |
GetScrollInfo | Graphics | Get the scroll position, scroll size and scrollbar |
GetSeconds | Clock | Returns number of seconds for a clock Object |
GetSelection | Text | Gets the position of the selected characters |
GetSelectionParagraphStyle | Text | Get the paragraph style of selected text |
GetSelectionStyle | Text | Get the formatting style of selected text |
GetSelectionText | Text | Gets the selected text as a string |
GetSlide | Slideshow | Get the slide currently visible |
GetSlideCount | Slideshow | Count the number of slides in a slideshow |
GetState | Buttons | Returns the current state of a push button |
GetText | Text | Get the text used for a hyperlink as a string |
GetTextLength | Text | Get the number of characters |
GetTotalLength | Graphics | Get the total length of an animation path |
GetType | Global | Get the object’s Object Type e.g. button, image etc. |
GetType | Views | Get the View Type |
GetUniqueObjectID | Basic Objects | Gets a string that is unique to this object |
GetViewAt | Views | Get the view at a specified index position |
GetVolume | Sound | Get the volume level of a specified device |
GetVolume | Sound | Get the volume level of a specified sound Object |
GetWidth | Graphics | Get the width of the object |
GetWordCount | Text | Get the number of words |
GetXPosition | Graphics | Get the x coordinate of the objects position |
GetYPosition | Graphics | Get the y coordinate of the objects position |
Go | Video | Set the first frame of a video |
GotoAndPlay - Tween | Graphics | Go to a particular frame of a tween and start playing |
GotoAndStop - Tween | Graphics | Go to a particular frame of a tween and stop playing |
GotoBackwardPage | Global | Go to the previous page in the publication |
GotoBookmark | Pages | Go to a specific Bookmark |
GotoCurrentPage | Global | Go to current page in publication |
GotoFirstLine | File | Goes to first line of an opened file |
GotoForwardPage | Global | Go to the next page in the publication |
GotoFrame - Tween | Graphics | Go to a specific frame in a Tween. |
GotoNextLine | File | Goes to next line of an opened file |
GotoNextPage | Global | Go to the next page in the page history |
GotoNextRandomPage | Global | Go to a random page within the chapter without repeating |
GotoPage | Global | Go to a given page |
GotoPreviousPage | Global | Go to the previous page in the page history |
GotoRandomPage | Global | Go to a random page within the chapter |
GotoSlide | Slideshow | Go to a specific slide |
Hide | Graphics | Hide this object |
Home | Browsers | Goes to the Home page of the specified browser Object |
indexOf | String | Return the position within the String object of the substring |
integer | Global | Convert a value to an integer |
InternetGetData | Global | Gets information from a remote server |
InternetPostData | Global | Post information to a remote server |
IsAutonarratePlaying | Text | Check if an autonarrate is currently playing |
IsEnabled | Graphics | Test if this object is enabled |
IsKeyPressed | Global | Test if a specific key is being pressed |
IsMousePressed | Global | Test if a specified special key is being pressed |
IsObjectIntersecting | Graphics | Test if this object is intersecting another |
IsPlaying | Slideshow | Check if a specified Slideshow is playing |
IsPlaying | Video | Check if a specified video is playing |
IsShowing | Graphics | Test if this object is showing |
lastIndexOf | String | :Get the position in a string of the last match of a substring |
LaunchFile | Global | Open an external file |
LaunchSearch | Global | Open the Search dialog box |
LaunchURL | Global | Open a URL |
left | Global | Get the left end of a string |
length | Global | Get the length of a string |
length | String | The length of the string |
LineFromChar | Text | Get the line index of a character position |
LineIndex | Text | Get the character index of the first character in a line |
LineLength | Text | Get the number of characters in a line |
LoadDLL | External DLL | Load a DLL so functions can be accessed |
MAX_VALUE | Number | The largest number that can be represented in OpusScript |
mid | Global | Get part of the middle of a string |
MIN_VALUE | Number | The smallest number that can be represented in OpusScript |
Move | Graphics | Move the object by its x and y coordinates |
MoveX | Graphics | Move the object by its x coordinate |
MoveY | Graphics | Move the object by its y coordinate |
NaN | Number | Returns a value that is "not a number" |
Navigate | Browsers | Open a specified URL in specified browser Object |
NEGATIVE_INFINITY | Number | A value representing negative infinity |
number | Global | Convert a value to a number |
OpenFile | File | Opens a file and returns a new file Object |
OpenSearch | Global | Returns object containing the publication search words |
OpenSound | Sound | Open a sound file but don't play it |
ParagraphIndex | Text | Returns the index number of the paragraph in a Text object |
ParagraphLength | Text | Returns the number of characters in a paragraph |
Pause | Clock | Pause a clock Object |
Pause | Slideshow | Pause a Slideshow |
Play -Slideshow | Slideshow | Play a Slideshow |
Play-Sound | Sound | Play a sound file |
Play-Video | Video | Play a specified video |
Play - Tween | Tween | Play a Tween Animation |
PlayAutonarrate | Text | Begin the autonarration on this text |
PlayCDTrack | Global | Play a track from a CD |
PlaySound | Sound | Play a sound file |
PlaySystemSound | Global | Play a system sound from the users computer |
PointFromChar | Text | Get the position of a character |
POSITIVE_INFINITY | Number | A value representing positive infinity |
Print | Browsers | Print the contents of a Browser object |
PrintFile | Global | Print the specified file |
PrintObject | Global | Print the specified Object |
PrintPage | Global | Print the specified page or page Object |
Pause - Sound | Sound | Pauses a WAV file |
random | Global | Get a random integer |
Read | File | Read a file that has been opened |
ReadField | File | Reads a field in a file that has been opened |
ReadLine | File | Reads first line of an opened file |
ReadRegistryKey | Global | Return the value of a specified key in the Registry |
ReallyExitPublication | Global | Exit the publication immediately |
Refresh | Browsers | Redisplays the current pbrowser age |
RegisterEventHandler | Events | Set function called when set event triggers. |
ReleaseMouse | Graphics | Release the mouse input |
RemoveAllHypertext | Text | Remove all hypertext links for this text |
RemoveAlpha | Graphics | Remove Alpha effect from specified object |
RemoveBackground | Graphics | Remove Background style from specified object |
RemoveBlur | Graphics | Remove Blur from specified object |
RemoveBorder | Graphics | Remove Border style from specified object |
RemoveBtnColour | Graphics | Remove Button style from specified object |
RemoveFlare | Graphics | Remove Flare effect from specified object |
RemoveImage | Graphics | Remove Image file from specified object |
RemovePoint | Frame | Remove a point from the contour in the frame |
RemoveShadow | Graphics | Remove Shadow effect from specified object |
RemoveTexture | Graphics | Remove Texture effect from specified object |
ReplaceSelection | Text | Replaces the current selection with a specified string |
ReportClose | Global | Close the open log file |
ReportGetFilename | Global | Get the filename of the current log file |
ReportSetFilename | Global | Set the output file for logging actions |
ReportWriteString | Global | Write a string to the current log file |
ResetAnimation | Graphics | Reset an animation |
ResetVariables | Publications | Reset all publications variables to their default |
ResetVars | Pages | Reset all page properties variables |
Resume Sound | Sound | Resumes a WAV sound previously paused |
RGB | Global | Return a number indicating a RGB colour value |
right | Global | Get the right end of a string |
Roll | Graphics | Roll an object by a specified angle |
Rotate | Graphics | Rotate an object by a specified angle |
Scale | Graphics | Scale object horizontally & vertically by a percentage |
ScaleH | Graphics | Scale object horizontally by a percentage |
ScaleV | Graphics | Scale object vertically by a percentage |
Scroll | Text | Scroll the text by line, paragraph or page |
Seek | Sound | Reposition the starting point of a sound |
Seek | Video | Reposition the starting point of a video |
SendEmail | Global | Send an email |
SetAlpha | Graphics | Set Alpha effect on a specified object |
SetBackground | Graphics | Set Background style on a specified object |
SetBlur | Graphics | Set Blur on a specified object |
SetBookmark | Pages | Bookmark the current page |
SetBorder | Graphics | Set Border style on a specified object |
SetBtnColour | Graphics | Set Button style on a specified object |
SetColour | Text | Set the colour of text in a Text object |
SetDisplayData | Graphics | Set display information related to an object e.g. |
SetFillColour | Polygons | Set the fill colour of a polygon in a Vector object |
SetFillColour | Frame | Set the fill colour for the script drawing in the frame |
SetFlare | Graphics | Set Flare effect on a specified object |
SetFocus | Graphics | Set the keyboard input focus |
SetImage | Graphics | Set Image file on a specified object |
SetINIFileData | Global | Set the value of a specified key in a specified section of an INI file |
SetInitialPositionExact | Chapter | Set initial position of chapter window using an absolute position
SetInitialPositionPercent | Chapter | Set initial position of chapter window as a percentage of the screen size |
SetLayer | Graphics | Set the layer that the object is on |
SetLineColour | Polygons | Set the line colour of a polygon in a Vector object |
SetLineColour | Frame | Set the line colour for the script drawing in the frame |
SetLineStyle | Frame | Set the line style for the script drawing in the frame |
SetListBoxSelection | Text | Set the highlighted area in a Listbox object to a new line |
SetObjectDimensions | Graphics | Set the position and size of an object |
SetPosition | Graphics | Set aspects of the objects position |
SetPosition | Sound | Set the current position in seconds for a sound file |
SetPositionX | Graphics | Set the x coordinate of the objects position |
SetPositionY | Graphics | Set the y coordinate of the objects position |
SetRoll | Graphics | Set an objects roll to a specified angle |
SetRotation | Graphics | Set an object's rotation to a specified angle |
SetScale | Graphics | Set the horizontal and vertical scale of an object to a percentage |
SetScaleH | Graphics | Set the horizontal scale of an object to a percentage |
SetScaleV | Graphics | Set the vertical scale of an object to a percentage |
SetScrollPosition | Graphics | Set the scroll position of the object |
SetSelection | Text | Selects a range of characters in the text object |
SetSelectionParagraphStyle | Text | Set the paragraph style of selected text |
SetSelectionStyle | Text | Set the formatting style of selected text |
SetShadow | Graphics | Set Shadow effect on a specified object |
SetSkew | Graphics | Skew an object horizontally and vertically to a specified angle |
SetSkewH | Graphics | Skew an object horizontally to a specified angle |
SetSkewV | Graphics | Skew an object vertically to a specified angle |
SetSpin | Graphics | Set an objects spin to a specified angle |
SetState | Buttons | Sets the current state of a push button |
SetTexture | Graphics | Set Texture effect on a specified object |
SetTransparency | Graphics | Set the objects transparency |
SetVolume | Sound | Set the volume level for a specified device |
SetVolume | Sound | Set the volume level for a specified sound Object |
Show | Graphics | Show this object |
ShowBookmarkDialog | Pages | Show the Bookmark Dialog box |
Spin | Graphics | Spin an object by a specified angle |
split | String | Split a String object into an array of strings |
Start | Clock | Start a clock Object |
Start | Timelines | Start a specified Timeline |
Stop - Browser | Browsers | Stops the specified browser Object |
Stop - Clock | Clock | Stop a clock Object |
Stop - Slideshow | Slideshow | Stop a Slideshow |
Stop - Sound | Sound | Stop a sound file |
Stop - Timeline | Timelines | Stop a specified Timeline |
Stop - Tween | Tweens | Stops the specified Tween Animation |
Stop - Video | Video | Stop a specified video |
StopAnimation | Graphics | Stop an animation |
StopAutonarrate | Text | End the autonarration on this text |
string | Global | Convert a value to a string |
substring | String | Returns a substring of a specified string |
TimeGetSeconds | Publications | Get number of seconds a publication has been running |
ToEnd | MultiFrames | Go to last frame in the MultiFrame |
ToFrame | MultiFrames | Go to a given frame in the MultiFrame |
tolower | Global | Get a lower case version of a string |
toLowerCase | String | Converts the String object to lower case |
ToStart | MultiFrames | Go to first frame in the MultiFrame |
toString | Boolean | Converts a Boolean object to a string |
toString | File | Returns the type of object as a string |
toString | Number | Converts the Number object into a string |
toString | String | Converts the String object into a string |
toupper | Global | Get an upper case version of a string |
toUpperCase | String | Converts the String object to upper case |
TriggerComponentEvent | Events | Activate a Custom Trigger for a specified object. |
UnRegisterEventHandler | Events | Remove a previously registered event handler |
valueOf | Boolean | Returns a primitive value of a Boolean Object |
valueOf | Number | Returns the primitive value of the Number Object |
valueOf | String | Returns the primitive value of the String object |
word | Global | Get a word from a string |
Write | File | Write a string to an opened file |
WriteField | File | Write a string to a field in an opened file |
WriteLine | File | Write a string to a line in an opened file |
WriteRegistryValue | Global | Write a value to the system registry |