Adding Objects to a Tween

As with any frame in Creator the Tween frame can hold any of the other content objects available in Creator including video, multiframes or even other tween frames. However, the more complex a tween the more computer power it will require to be successful. As with so many things in Creator… just because we let you do it, doesn’t mean it is a good idea.

You can add objects to a tween in exactly the same way as you add objects to a standard frame.

You can do this by simply by selecting the tween and creating the new object within it.

Alternatively, you can select the object in the Organiser and drag it onto the appropriate Tween object and choose Insert Into (or Copy Into if you want to keep a copy of the object) from the menu which appears.

Important Note:

When creating objects in tweens you should note that the tween always assumes that when you resize a bounding box you wish to scale an object to make a change to size or shape for the tween effect between keyframes. Thus resizing the bounding box of an object once created in a tween is not possible. You may therefore find it preferable to create the object outside the tween and use the Insert Into option once you are happy with its proportions.

Related Topics

Tween Object Overview

Tween Properties

Tween Timeline

Creating the Tween

Shape tweening

Adding Objects to a Tween

Deleting Objects from a Tween

Selecting Frames in a Tween


Adding Keyframes to a Tween

Removing Keyframes from a Tween

Moving Keyframes in a Tween

Copying and Pasting Keyframes