Tween Properties

The Properties tab for a tween object has a reduced set of properties. The General, Effects, Cursors and Permissions sections are the same as for any other object. The properties specific to the tween itself are provided on the Tween tab.

Effects applied to the whole tween will apply the effect to ALL the consituent elements. You can apply some effects to the individual objects of a tween but these will only work in standalone publications not in Flash. Effects applied in either way will remain constant throughout the tween – you cannot tween a black flare to a red one for example.

The properties specific to the tween itself are provided on the Tween tab.



You can set it to Play Automatically so that it does not require a Play Tween action to get it started and you can set whether it repeats once the timeline is complete.

You can also set the number of frames per second Creator will use when creating the frames in between the keyframes. The higher the number of frames the smoother the animation will become but the greater the processing required.

You can also resize, rotate and skew a tween just as you can a frame but you cannot add borders or a background or image. If you want these elements in the tween simply add a frame of the same size as the tween and edit the frame object to suit.

Related Topics

Tween Object Overview

Tween Timeline

Creating the Tween

Shape tweening

Adding Objects to a Tween

Deleting Objects from a Tween

Selecting Frames in a Tween

Adding Keyframes to a Tween

Removing Keyframes from a Tween

Moving Keyframes in a Tween

Copying and Pasting Keyframes