

SetPositionY( PosY, Time, Wait )


PosY – the vertical coordinate of the specified object in pixels counting from the top left corner thus the higher the number the lower down the page/frame the object will be. PosY must be an integer. This parameter is required.

Time – the time period in seconds. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.0 seconds

Wait – Wait for this script command to complete before moving to the next script command, or not to wait. Wait is either true or false. If Wait is true, the script pauses until this animation is completed before continuing to the next line of the script. If Wait is false, the script will process the next line of script immediately. This parameter is optional. The default value is true.


This function moves the mid point of the object vertically in its frame to a position PosY pixels from top edge of its container frame (or page if not in a frame). The x coordinate is left unchanged by this function. There is also an optional Time parameter.

The actual motion is dependent upon the parents' frame of reference i.e. if the parent frame is rotated by 45 degrees, then the motion of the specified object would also be rotated by 45 degrees.
