

SetLineColour( Colour, Transparency )

SetLineColour( Red, Green, Blue, Transparency )


Colour – the colour for the fill colour of the specified polygon. Colour can either one of:


Red, Green and Blue - three values for the amount of red, green and blue e.g. 255,0,0.

This parameter is required.

This parameter can also take the special value of -1. This removes the current line. Please note that this will lose all current line settings and any future calls to SetLineColour will revert to the default line style of a 1 pixel solid line. If you want to restore the line later it is better to set the line opacity to 255 rather than removing the line entirely.

Transparency – The transparency of the fill. Transparency should be a percentage ranging from 0 = opaque (solid) to 100 = transparent.

This parameter is optional. If it is omitted then the fill transparency is unchanged.


This function will set the line colour of a specified polygon to the new colour entered in Colour.

This function will only change the line colour of a polygon created with the Vector tool or a vector that has been imported into Opus.
