

SendEmail( ToList, CC, BCC, Subject, Message, Attachment, Showmail, MAPI )


ToList – the email name of the recipient. ToList should be surrounded by quote marks. This parameter is required.

CC – the email address of other recipients. CC should be surrounded by quote marks. This parameter is required but can have a blank entry i.e. just enter the quote marks "".

BCC – the email address of other recipients, the address of these recipients will not be visible to the recepient named in ToList. This parameter is required but can have a blank entry i.e. just enter the quote marks "".

Subject – enter the subject heading for the email. Subject should be surrounded by quote marks. This parameter is required but can have a blank entry i.e. just enter the quote marks "".

Message – the message you want to send in the email. Message can be a string or a variable name containing a string. This parameter is required.

Attachment – the pathname of the file you want to attach to this email. Attachment should be surrounded by quote marks. This parameter is required but can have a blank entry i.e. just enter the quote marks "".

Pathnames normally contain backslashes e.g. d:\\pricelist.doc, all single backslashes should be entered as double backslashes i.e. d:\\pricelist.doc.

Showmail – show the mail dialog box before sending the mail. Showmail can be true or false. If true, the dialog is displayed. If false, the dialog is not displayed and the email is sent immediately. This parameter is optional and the default is true.

MAPI – show the logon dialog for the email system prior to sending the email. MAPI can be true or false. If true, the MAPI prompt dialog is displayed. If false, the MAPI dialog is not displayed and the email is sent immediately. This parameter is optional and the default is false.


This function will send an email to the specified email addresses, other parameters can be set.
