



A new object with the following properties:

x - the x-axis. The range is from -1.0 to +1.0.

y - the y-axis The range is from -1.0 to +1.0.

rz - the z-axis (normally twist) The range is from -1.0 to +1.0.

s - the slider (normally throttle control) The range is from -1.0 to +1.0.

pov - the POV (Point of View) 'hat' position. This is given as an angle in the range 0-360 degrees, plus a special value of –1, which represents centred.

f1 - Fire button 1. 1 is pressed, 0 is not pressed.

f2 - Fire button 2. 1 is pressed, 0 is not pressed.

f3 - Fire button 3. 1 is pressed, 0 is not pressed.

f4 - Fire button 4. 1 is pressed, 0 is not pressed.


This function gets the current state of the first joystick available.
