

GetINISectionData( FilePath, Section )


The data contained within the section as a string with each line in the section appearing on a new line.


FilePath – This is the pathname where the INI file is stored on your computer. This parameter is required and must be surrounded by quote marks. Alternatively, you can use a variable containing a pathname.

Section – Enter the name of the section within the INI file that you want to view. This parameter is required and must be surrounded by quote marks.

Each section name appears in the INI file surrounded by square brackets. Do not include the square brackets in the string.


The GetINISectionData function is used to return the contents of a section within an INI file. This function is used to get specific information from INI files either you have created or are available on a users computer.

This function works when you publish as a standalone publication but not as a web or Flex publication.


Related Topics:

Global String Functions

Read Registry Key

Get INI File Data