



A new object with the following properties:

x - the x coordinate of the centre of the specified object, as an offset from the original x position.

y - the y coordinate of the centre of the specified object, as an offset from the original y position.

scalex - the amount the specified object has been scaled in the x direction from its original size.

scaley - the amount the specified object has been scaled in the y direction from its original size.

angle - the angle in degrees the specified object has been rotated to.

anglex - the angle in degrees the specified object has been rotated in 3D about the x axis.

angley - the angle in degrees the specified object has been rotated in 3D about the y axis.

skewx - the amount the specified object has been skewed in the x direction.

skewy - the amount the specified object has been skewed in the y direction.

transparency - the specified object's percentage transparency i.e. 100 is transparent and 0 is opaque.


This function returns all the display information about the specified object in a new Object.
