

GetAppearance( Appearance )


A new object that contains specific appearance properties for the specified object’s Object State. In other words, if for example you want to change the flare of an object when you mouse over it, you must create a new object using the GetAppearance function, specifying Mouse Over in the Appearance parameter. The new object created by this function will include a Flare property, which you can use with the SetFlare function to create a flare or the RemoveFlare function to delete a flare already set for the specified object.

The new object contains properties that allow you to set or remove the following appearances: Alpha, Background, Border, Button Colour, Flare, Image, Shadow and Texture.

The new object is used with the following OpusScript functions:

To create a new appearance for a specified object: SetAlpha, SetBackground, SetBorder, SetBtnColour, SetFlare, SetImage, SetShadow and SetTexture.

To remove an appearance for a specified object: RemoveAlpha, RemoveBackground, RemoveBorder, RemoveBtnColour, RemoveFlare, RemoveImage , RemoveShadow and RemoveTexture.


Appearance – the name of the Object State you want to return. Appearance must be a string or a variable containing one of the following key words: Default, Mouse Over, Mouse Pressed or Disabled. This parameter is optional and the default is Default if no other key word is used.


This function will return a new object containing the current appearance settings for a specified object’s Object State. The Appearance parameter is used to specify the Object State you want to return (e.g. Mouse Over), the new object created by this function will then contain the current appearance settings you have set for the specified object when the user moves the mouse over it. This function is particularly useful because it allows you to change the appearance of an object while the user is running the publication.


This function is equivalent to the QuickBuild menu options. A full description of the QuickBuild menu is provided in the main Opus Help file. To open the help, click on Contents & Index option in the Help menu at the top of the Opus Editor. Search for the word QuickBuild in the Index tab of the help file for more information.
