

FollowPath( Path, Time, Relative, Orientation, Start, End, Wait )


Path – The path object to follow. This parameter is required.

Time – The number of seconds to take when following the path. Time should be a number. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.0 seconds.

Relative – The motion of the specified Object. Relative is either true or false. If Relative is true, the motion is relative to the Objects current position. If Relative is false, the motion follows the path absolutely (i.e. the object will "jump" to the position of the path object). This parameter is optional. The default value is true.

Orientation – The orientation of the specified object along the path. Orientation is either true or false. If Orientation is true, the Object’s orientation is aligned to the path. If Orientation is false, the object orientation is fixed. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.

Start – The start position for the specified object along Path. Start is a percentage between 0 and 100. This parameter is optional. The default value is 0.

End – The end position for the specified object along Path. End is a percentage between 0 and 100. This parameter is optional. The default value is 100.

WaitWait for this script command to complete before moving to the next script command, or not to wait. Wait is either true or false. If Wait is true, the script pauses until this animation is completed before continuing to the next line of the script. If Wait is false, the script will process the next line of script immediately. This parameter is optional. The default value is true.


This function animates the specified object along Path, over a period Time from positions on the path set in Start and End. The specified Object’s orientation and motion can also be set with this function.
