Using Question Pages in Creator

When you have added a Question Page template into your publication, you must type the question and answers into the boxes provided on the new page.

The Question Pages will work because all of the actions have been added to the pages. In other words, as soon as you preview the publication the questions will work. However you will need to add your own content, noting which of the objects is set to score correctly.


The questions in the templates simply add 1 point to the preset variable SCORE for each correct answer.

Creator keeps track of a range of scoring variables and you can easily connect the templates to the inbuilt Store Score action if you want to keep track of the number of correct answers and so on.

Introducing the Scoring Actions.

Using Question Pages:

  1. Add a Question Page to your publication by double-clicking on it the Page Templates gallery – this will create a new page in your publication based on your settings in the wizard.

  2. If you want to change the background style of the new page, use the Image tab in the Page Properties dialog to replace the image.

  3. If you want to change the style of text boxes or buttons, use the object’s Properties dialog to change any settings you require.

  4. Replace the graphics in the Image objects with your own graphics using the Image tab in the Properties dialog.

  5. Type the questions and answers in the Text objects and Button objects on the page.

  6. Each of the objects on the page that the user presses to answer the question – such as Button objects on Multiple Choice and True False questions and the Image object for Image Questions – contain a list of actions that will be performed when the user presses it.

The list of actions include Disable Object action to disable all the buttons so the user cannot answer the question again; the Store Score action which adds 1 to the SCORE_TOTAL variable if the user clicks the correct option; the Show action to show feedback to the user.

  1. There is only one feedback text box on the page which appears if the user selects the correct or incorrect answer, so be careful when adding the text in the feedback box that it makes sense whichever option the user selects.

You could always add a second feedback text box on the page. When the user clicks the correct answer the correct feedback box appears and when they click the wrong answer then the incorrect feedback appears. This would mean you have to edit the Show action on the buttons to show the different feedback box.

  1. Add as many Question Pages as you want from the Page Templates and repeat points 1 to 8 for each.

  2. Add the Score Page page from the Page Templates tab if you want to show the user how many correct answers they got during the quiz.

If you want to save this information permanently, use the Write to Disk File action or Email action to store or send the date. The SCORE_TOTAL variable will contain the users current score.

Adding questions to any publication can be useful, especially for computer based training or e-Learning publications to consolidate a users learning experience. Once you gain experience in Creator, you will be able to create a variety of other question types very quickly, without using the templates. For example, drag and drop questions, Input response question, re-ordering lists questions, and so on can be created simply by adding actions to increase the score as appropriate.

Related Topics:

Introducing the Scoring Actions