The Modified States

The Modified states icons appear in the Object States panel on the left-hand side of the Properties dialog box. The panel contains a list of states an object can have depending on the user’s interaction with the object.

The descriptions of the states are slightly different for button objects. The Button States

The Modified states are:


The Mouse Over state is used whenever the user moves the mouse over the object. This is obviously very useful for creating rollovers, to show that it is active.


The Mouse Pressed state is used when the user clicks the mouse button. This appearance only remains as long the mouse is pressed, when it is released, either the Mouse Over (if it has been used) or Normal state is displayed.


The Disabled state is used when the object has been disabled using the Disable Object action. No other appearances will be used if the object is disabled.

The Modified states information:

  1. The following objects all contain the Modified states described above: Frame, MultiFrame, Rollover, Text, Button, Image, Vector, Video, Slideshow and Listbox objects.

  2. For the Modified states, the Properties dialog will only contain the following tabs: Background, Image, Border and Effects tab.

  3. If you change the property for a state (e.g. Mouse Over) it will override the Normal state.

  4. If you do NOT change the appearance for a state, the Normal state appearance is used.

Related Topics:

Explaining Object States


Button states

Drag and Drop states

Rollover objects