Making Money with Multimedia

Our customers are already making money from multimedia using Creator and its predecessors and you could too. Creator is so easy to use and comes with plenty of examples and resources which you can use as starting points for your own material. You’ll soon be amazing yourself at what you can achieve.

These days companies and individuals are extra keen to make an impact and set themselves apart from others. In this audio-visual internet age, interactive multimedia is the way.

Creator publications can be "published" so they run on computers without Creator installed. So they can be distributed as standalone programs just like any other program – you can even give them an icon and a setup program and yet they don’t need programming skills! This opens up a whole new area of simple software development for people to make money or have fun with.

Web Design, Internet Advertising

The HTML5 export feature lets you produce material in an innovative new format which is already taking the internet by storm. If you’ve got a decent eye for design this is a real opportunity.

Promotional Games and Quizzes

One of the most popular type of downloads on the internet are free games and puzzles and many companies therefore use them for promotion. Creator is ideal for putting these materials together quickly and therefore cost-effectively.

Interactive Creative Writing

Why not publish that novel you’ve always planned as an interactive CD ROM!

And there are lots more besides; once you start to play with Creator we’re sure you’ll see opportunity everywhere!

Hobby Guides

Multimedia is a great way to present large amounts of information in an interesting way. Your hobbies, local information or tutorials on photography, knitting or baking can all be created in an exciting interactive way and published onto CD Roms, or via the internet.

A Headstart for the Kids

Creator is a perfect way to create educational programs for your kids or for commercial sale and is already widely used in schools.

Interactive CVs

Individuals need to impress too and there’s nothing more attention-grabbing than a good multimedia CV delivered on those small business card CD ROMs for an eye-catching submission, or to upload to the internet and link to via Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn.

Getting Paid

Some of the ideas above will be commissioned (and therefore paid for) by businesses and individuals directly and some are products you could sell. There are other ways you can add to your income.

Install Monetization Programs

Several of the free software download sites offer monetization programs where they advertise other products alongside your download and pay you if people install those.

There are even some dedicated companies to do the same for the install program by which you provide your software.


It’s easy to set up a Paypal button on a website to ask visitors to donate. Use the HTML5 export to create a website with some great content – hobby ideas, recipes, or guides to something you know well and add a Paypal button to get visitors to help support your work.

AdSense & Affiliate Programs

If you have a really successful website and want to earn some real money then why not investigate Google Adsense where Google feeds adverts onto a panel on your website and you get paid if your visitors click on them.

You could also look into becoming an affiliate for someone like Amazon where you mention products and include a link to buy those products from Amazon and get paid commission for any sales you provide.

Niche is Good

You might think you don’t have much to offer and all the best ideas are taken but actually in the world of internet marketing the more specific and niche your idea is the more likely it is to be successful.

Related Topics:

Overview of Publication Types

Introduction to Publishing in Creator