Lock Object

You can lock an object if you do not want anybody to change it while you are developing in the Creator Editor. This can be useful if working with colleagues who you want to edit the text but you want to keep other elements from being moved by accident.

You can even set specific aspects of an object to be locked so that the content can be edited but the size and postion is locked.

To Lock an object:

  1. Right click over the object on the page to open the right-click menu, and then select the Lock out option.

This option will not allow you to edit the object in any way.

To Unlock an object:

  1. Double-click the object on the page – this will open a dialog box stating that permission limits have been placed on the object. Click the OK button to continue.

  2. The object’s Properties dialog will open showing only the Permissions tab. Select the Disable Permissions option, then click the Apply button to save your changes – see Permissions tab for more information.

Related Topics:

the Permissions tab - Properties