Introducing the Joystick Triggers

The fifth section in the Triggers tab is the Joystick palette. Creator can automatically have an action (or a series of actions) happen when a joystick is moved or a fire button is pressed

If more than one joystick is available, Creator responds to changes in the primary attached joystick.

Creator uses DirectInput to obtain information about the current joystick state. This is part of the DirectX package and is available by default on all current versions of Windows. If the end user has the original release of Windows 95 they must install any version of DirectX in order to use the joystick triggers.

Joystick triggers are not affected by the Disable DirectX option.

By default a single trigger is sent for each individual joystick direction change or button press. This can be set on a per-publication basis by using the Joystick triggers auto-repeat option of the Publication properties General tab.

Related Topics:

Joystick triggers

the Direct X tab - Publication Properties

the General tab - Publication Properties