Email your Publication

In Creator you can email your publication using your standard email program. This can be very useful if you need to send a copy to another user to edit or confirm the contents of your publication. When you use the email option, Creator will open a new email message box on your screen with one attachment. The attachment is your publication that has been compressed into a zip file, to make the file size as small as possible.

Remember, if your publication contains a lot of music or video, then the size of the file may be quite large and could take a long time to download via the email system. You can decide not to add the resources to the zip file attached to the email.

Creator compresses the file using a zip program; the receiver of the email must have a zip program installed on their machine to unzip the file so that it can be read back into Creator.

To email your publication:

  1. Click on the File menu, then select the Email Publication option. This will open a warning dialog box on the screen.

The warning dialog box asks if you want to contain your resources in the zip file. Adding your resources could dramatically affect the size of the file that will be sent with the email, especially if your publication includes video or sound files.

  1. Click on the Yes button if you want to add the resources. Click on the No button to not add the resources to the file. Clicking either button will open a new email window on your screen.

  2. In the new email window, add the email address, subject heading and message you want to send with the attached zip file that Creator has placed inside the email already.

  3. Click on the Send button to send your email.

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